We make it grow.

How do we ensure you get the right results?


Understanding objectives

We schedule a video call in which you brief us about your company, the project, its objectives, allocated budgets, and duration.


Our team identifies the ideal squad member(s), based on the industry of your company and the requirements of the project. Identification, along with budget and quality negotiations, typically takes 12 hrs.

Project execution

We connect you with the squad members that will work on your project and project execution begins. We help steer the success of the project throughout along with the squad member and the brands.

We’re invite only specialists.

“…what we do have are a very particular set of skills, skills we have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make us a nightmare for the average ad agency.”

Bryan Mills (Adapted from Taken 2008)


Our pricing is simple & overhead free. You can engage with the squads on per project, per month, per session or any other way you want.

The squad members charge differently based on the type of project, its complexity & its duration.

We simplify this by managing the rates according to your budget requirements.


Worksquad manages the squads remotely, with check ins & support to make the project goals clear & transparent. We charge a sustaining fee for keeping the network engaged & taking care of all the deliverables, timelines & quality.
